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White Elephant Gift Exchange For A Merry Christmas and Happy Christmas


What is a White Elephant Gift Exchange and How Does It Work?

There are tons of ways in which you can have a Merry Christmas and Happy Christmas, and one such way is to make this fun for everyone. If you are someone that hosts everyone at home for the holidays, then you know that a lot of planning goes into this to make it perfect. However, you should always try to plan on having some fun as well. There are tons of games and activities that you could encourage everyone to participate in. For example, hosting an ugly Christmas sweater party seems to be all the rage. However, how about having some fun and letting everyone in on that fun?! This is where hosting a white elephant gift exchange comes into play.

Chances are you have heard this gift exchange called something else over the years, but it all boils down to a fun gift exchange in which everyone can demand a gift, lose their gift, and argue their gift away. It makes for a Merry Christmas and Happy Christmas, unlike anything that you have ever had. The first rule that you need to lay down for everyone is that there is a spending limit on these gifts. Do whatever feels comfortable for you, whether this is a $10 limit or even $50. Find out what everyone else would be comfortable with and go with the majority rules on this decision. Remember, the more comfortable everyone is with spending this amount, the better chance that they all turn out for a Merry Christmas and Happy Christmas.

The History and Origins of the White Elephant Gift Exchange

Once you have the spending limit set, remind everyone that these gifts can be serious, they can be fun, gag gifts, or even something they, themselves, would want as a gift. After all, that is part of the fun in seeing what everyone opens, whether it will be something that is great or not.

Have everyone bring their gift the night that you are hosting, and as they come in, slap a number on the box or bag that they are holding. Then place all these gifts on a table for later. If you can line them all up in numerical order, you will find it much easier for everyone to get in on the festivities. Plus, it helps everyone to see what is out there and what they could possibly be getting.

Everyone selects a number in the order that they will go. Then you will allow the person to get up and select a bag with any number on it that they want, and try to have people avoid going for their own. The next person in line can then opt to steal that person’s gift or get another. There will probably be some swapping taking place, which is fine, that is what makes this a fun game to have for a Merry Christmas and Happy Christmas.

So, how will you host your gift exchange this year? This could be a way to add some laughter to your Merry Christmas and Happy Christmas!